Tag: publication

New algal publication by Dr. Lopez-Bautista and former PhD student Dr. James T. Melton III

A DNA barcode inventory of the genus Ulva (Chlorophyta) along two Italian regions: updates and considerations

A new publication in Botanica Marina by Dr. Lopez-Bautista and former PhD student Dr. James T. Melton III, along with Italian colleagues, updates the DNA barcode inventory of Ulva species for two regions from the Mediterranean Sea.The correct identification of these green algal species is important due to their significant role in marine ecosystems and mariculture. This genetic resource will aid researchers in identifying specimens and improving understanding of Ulva diversity.

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Species discovered by Drs. Carmen Cobo and Kevin Kocot ranked among top-ten new marine species of 2023

Each year, the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) releases its annual list of the top-ten marine species described by researchers during the past year to coincide with World Taxonomist Appreciation Day on March 19th! If you were unaware of this celebration of all the work that taxonomists do to document and describe the world’s biodiversity, you can find more here and here. Dorymenia boucheti Cobo & Kocot 2023 is a newly described species of Solenogastres (Mollusca, Aplacophora) from the South […]

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New study in PNAS by Kocot lab members sheds light on early mollusk evolution

The Cambrian Explosion was a dramatic event during which almost all major animal groups emerged simultaneously, making it a challenge to reconstruct the relationships between different branches of the animal tree of life. To better understand the early evolution of Mollusca, the second most diverse group of animals, a new study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences co-authored by Dr. Kevin Kocot and PhD candidate Meghan Yap-Chiongco in Department of Biological Sciences and Alabama Museum of Natural History […]

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BSC research helps shed light on last common ancestor of animals

A new publication in the journal Nature has called into question a long-held hypothesis about the last common ancestor of animals. A group of single-celled (or colonial) protists called choanoflagellates are the closest living relatives of animals. Choanoflagellate cells have a whip-like flagellum surrounded by a basket-like structure that they use to capture and eat bacteria floating in sea water. Interestingly, these cells look and function very similar to feeding cells of sponges, one of the earliest-branching groups of animals. […]

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Dr. Kocot’s team discovers bizarre new species and sheds light on evolution of molluscs

Aplacophorans are unusual shell-less and worm-shaped molluscs related to snails, slugs, clams, and octopus. About 400 species are known to science but because there are only a handful of scientists worldwide studying the group, it is estimated that there are likely tenfold more species waiting to be discovered. Little is known about aplacophoran evolutionary history, which has hindered understanding of early molluscan evolution. Dr. Kocot and his collaborators at Auburn University, the University of Bergen, and Rådgivende Biologer in Bergen […]

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