Category: News

New study co-authored by BSC graduate student MaryBeth Rowland sheds light on cnidarian (e.g., coral) immune system

Coral disease is a major threat to reef ecosystems and therefore understanding the molecular and cellular pathways that corals use to combat diseases is critical to reducing future outbreaks. A new study published in Developmental and Comparative Immunology that was co-authored by BSC graduate student MaryBeth rowland focused on tyrosinase-like proteins in cnidarians (e.g., corals). These tyrosinase-like proteins contribute to invertebrate immune defenses. Specifically, characterization and phylogenetic analysis of Cnidarian tyrosinases were performed to investigate their role in symbiosis and […]

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Jennie Thies (Caldwell lab) awarded NIH Diversity Research Supplement

Congratulations to Jennie Thies (Caldwell lab) for receiving an NIH Diversity Research Supplement! This highly competitive award is a 2-year grant that supports ongoing dissertation research training for individuals from under-represented groups. It will allow Jennie to focus solely on lab work without having the demands of teaching. With this award she will be able to have a combination of “hands-on” research experience in addition to didactic training that will help her become the best scientist she can be. This […]

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BSC welcomes Dr. Nathan Jones

The Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alabama is pleased to introduce Dr. Nathan Jones, a new assistant professor who will join the faculty in August 2019.  After receiving his Ph.D. from Virginia Tech in 2015, Dr. Jones held postdoctoral positions at the same institution and at the University of Maryland/National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center.  His research is focused on ecohydrology, including water quality, stream and wetland restoration, and watershed management.  He uses a diverse set of techniques, including […]

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BSC research helps shed light on last common ancestor of animals

A new publication in the journal Nature has called into question a long-held hypothesis about the last common ancestor of animals. A group of single-celled (or colonial) protists called choanoflagellates are the closest living relatives of animals. Choanoflagellate cells have a whip-like flagellum surrounded by a basket-like structure that they use to capture and eat bacteria floating in sea water. Interestingly, these cells look and function very similar to feeding cells of sponges, one of the earliest-branching groups of animals. […]

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BSC and DISL welcome Dr. Kenneth Hoadley

Dr. Kenneth Hoadley

The Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alabama is pleased to introduce Dr. Kenneth Hoadley, a new faculty member who will be stationed at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.  After receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Delaware in 2016, Dr. Hoadley worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute and at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research (Germany).  His research has largely focused on how symbiotic algae living within coral tissues respond to […]

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Dr. Kocot’s team discovers bizarre new species and sheds light on evolution of molluscs

Aplacophorans are unusual shell-less and worm-shaped molluscs related to snails, slugs, clams, and octopus. About 400 species are known to science but because there are only a handful of scientists worldwide studying the group, it is estimated that there are likely tenfold more species waiting to be discovered. Little is known about aplacophoran evolutionary history, which has hindered understanding of early molluscan evolution. Dr. Kocot and his collaborators at Auburn University, the University of Bergen, and Rådgivende Biologer in Bergen […]

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Congratulations to the *many* BSC students recognized during honors week!

The department of Biological Sciences is very proud of our students whose achievements in academics, research, and teaching were recognized during Honors Week. Congratulations all! Inge and Ilouise Hill Research Fellowship Katie Sandlin (Reed) Joab Langston Thomas Scholarship Rebecca Varney (Kocot) Outstanding Teaching by a Graduate Student in Biological Sciences Fall 2018 – Samuel Scopel (Caldwell) Fall 2018 – Jennifer Thies (Caldwell) Spring 2018 – Jennifer Gresham (Earley) Spring 2018 – Feng Kong (Ramonell) Bishop Award Anthony Cremo (Yoder) Aurora […]

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Dr. Ryan Earley awarded the Leadership Board’s Outstanding Commitment to Students Award

Congratulations to Dr. Ryan Earley for being awarded the UA Leadership Board’s Outstanding Commitment to Students Award. This award recognizes a tenured or tenure-track faculty member in the College of Arts and Sciences for service in the advancement of students beyond the classroom.

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