Bachelor of Science in Biology

The Department offers coursework leading to the B.S. degree in biology. This degree program allows considerable flexibility and can be customized to meet the interests of individual students.

Students majoring in biology complete the biology core and biology electives, to a total of at least 36 credit hours. The biology core includes Principles of Biology I and II, Cell Biology, Genetics, and Ecology and Evolution. Biology electives may be chosen for a general education in biology, or specialization in e.g., molecular and cellular biology or ecology and systematics. Students may take any of the remaining hours beyond the biology core in marine sciences courses.

The degree in Biology also requires the following allied science courses: 8 hours of general physics, mathematics through one semester of calculus, and chemistry through 8 hours of organic chemistry.

Specific course requirements are available at the undergraduate catalog listing.

Other useful information:
Biology advising website
Approval for prerequisites to be taken at other institutions