Expectations for Graduate Student Training

The following expectations are given to ensure that students understand the importance of various activities that span research, teaching, and service — the hallmarks of academia.

  • All students are encouraged to become active members of the Department of Biological Sciences by participating in its various academic and social activities. In addition to the required seminar attendance (BSC 601) students should also attend other departmental seminars (e.g., faculty job seminars and visiting scholars). Such seminars and research talks provide in-depth knowledge of the biological sciences and provide opportunities to network with invited seminar speakers (i.e., potential employers), fellow graduate students, and departmental faculty.
  • All students are encouraged to attend and present their research at regional, national and/or international meetings in their field of expertise. These activities provide additional and important opportunities to network with prospective employers as well as gain experience in showcasing research projects to experts in the field. These meetings are also an opportunity to establish collaborations with colleagues. To help fund travel to such conferences graduate students are encouraged to complete applications to the Graduate School’s Research and Travel Support Fund for Graduate Students. Reminders will be sent out during the academic year for application requests.
  • All students should endeavor to submit at least one peer-reviewed paper from their graduate studies at UA to a research journal. M.S. advisors may make this a mandatory requirement. Prior to the dissertation defense, all students in the Ph.D. program must submit for publication to a peer-reviewed journal at least one first-author manuscript containing data produced by the student during enrollment in the Ph.D. program. Students are required to submit proof of submission or publication to the department at the time their dissertation is submitted for public review (see Ph.D. timeline).
  • Students are encouraged to actively seek funding (external to the Department of Biological Sciences) for their research by submitting grant and fellowship applications.
  • Students are expected to carry out their assigned teaching and research duties by completing all required activities including, but not limited to, attending laboratory preparation meetings, completing grading assignments in an accurate and timely manner, completing proctoring assignments, attending research laboratory meetings and completing research assignments in an accurate and timely manner.
  • Students should engage in service activities (meeting prospective graduate students, faculty interviews, guest speaker lunches, educational outreach, etc.).